
Council vision

Aberdeenshire Council has a vision that sets out what the council wants to do and how it wants to do it.

Serving Aberdeenshire from mountain to sea – the very best of Scotland.

The best area

Helping to create and sustain the best quality of life for all through:

  • happy, healthy and confident people
  • safe, friendly and lively communities
  • an enterprising and adaptable economy
  • our special environment and diverse culture

The best council

Aiming to provide excellent services for all by:

  • involving, responding and enabling
  • finding new and more efficient ways of doing things
  • providing elected leadership for our area
  • working with our partners in the North East and beyond
  • always looking to the future

A’ frithealadh air Siorrachd Obar Dheathain bho bheann gu cuan – rogha na h-Alba.

An sgìre as fheàrr

A’ cuideachadh gus sàr chàileachd beatha a chruthachadh agus a chumail dhan h-uile duine tro bhith:

  • toilichte, fallain agus misneachail
  • a’ cruthachadh choimhearsnachdan sàbhailte, càirdeil agus beòthail
  • eaconamaidh tionnsgalach agus so-fhreagarraichte
  • ar n-àrainneachd shònraichte agus ar cultar eadar-mheasgte

A’ chomhairle as fheàrr

Ag amas air sàr sheirbheis a thoirt dhan h-uile duine le bhith:

  • a’ dol an sàs, a’ freagairt agus a’ comasachadh
  • a’ faighinn dòighean ùra agus nas èifeachdaiche air rudan a dhèanamh
  • a’ toirt ceannasachd thaghte airson airson ar sgìre
  • ag obair le ar com-pàirtichean anns an Ear-Thuath agus ann an àiteachan eile
  • daonnan a’ coimhead air adhart