
Aden Country Park

Delivery phase of Aden project

A summary of the main strands of the project delivery phase include:

  • The conservation of Aden’s designed landscape including the restoration and reinstatement of structures, features and planting along with the re-emphasis of the Historic Main Drive and the removal of trees to enable key views to be re-established
  • The development of a wide range of interpretation methods to enable visitors to engage with Aden’s natural, built, cultural and archaeological heritage (including the development of a new interpretation centre, smartphone app, films, website, leaflets and interpretation panels)
  • The development of a new multi-generational and accessible play park which acts as both a 'destination' and as a space for mixed formal and informal play facilities, combining with art, sensory elements and seating
  • Upgrading of the Arrival Courtyard through improved surfacing, which will enhance the space for visitors, events along with improving accessibility and signage
  • Enhancing and actively promoting access for disabled users to a wider area of the park, along with promoting walking and cycle routes which are connected to local and strategic path networks
  • Establishing an overarching Estate Trail, Agricultural Heritage and Wildlife Heritage Trails and interpretation through signage, art and artefacts
  • Restoration of the mill pond and lake through the removal of trees to open up views, allow light in to the water, along with improved diversity of planting to enhance habitat, biodiversity value and interest
  • The uncovering, recording, and interpretation of a series of significant archaeological sites including a Bronze Age structure, lost Keith Tower, stone circle and WW1 practise trenches
  • New viewing platforms, outdoor learning classrooms and pond dipping area
  • The development of formal learning programmes and educational pack resources to complement the curriculum for excellence
  • Conservation and stabilisation of key heritage features including the Mansion House, Gardener’s Cottage, Coach House, lodges, stone dykes and other features
  • Improvements to the path network to establish wider circulatory routes and ensure increased accessibility for all users
  • Enhancements to biodiversity through the introduction of woodland wildflower meadows, improvements to lake water quality and management, new native tree and shrub level planting, bulb planting, control of non-native invasive species, enhanced planting to encourage particular wet woodland species, monitoring of species, flora and fauna aw well as improvements through education and interpretation
  • Removal of redundant or inappropriate features
  • The development of environmental, archaeological and heritage related volunteer and staff learning opportunities (including traditional skills workshops, practical archaeology training, woodland and grounds maintenance and opportunities related to biodiversity and the understanding of the local environment)
  • The delivery of the activity plan will create an inclusive, active and multi-functional green space that helps people to learn about and be involved in their own and other people’s heritage (it will also help to tell the story of Aden through the ages, create a park to experience and enjoy, helping a wide range of people to lead active lives, enjoy the outdoors, and participate in heritage)