
Delivering development - delivery programme

As a requirement of the development planning process, we have prepared an action programme to accompany the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2023 which was adopted on 13th January 2023.

The delivery programme supports delivery of the Local Development Plan and serves as a project management tool to implement the strategy of the plan. The delivery programme identifies what is required to deliver the policies and proposals within the plan, the stakeholders responsible for the delivery of the identified actions and timescales involved.

The delivery programme is a live document to reflect the continuous process of implementation. Therefore if landowners or developers have further information on the delivery of their site or wish to update on progress then please keep the delivery team informed so we can reflect this in the delivery programme. Updated information on sites can be provided at any time.

View the current and previous Local Development Plan delivery programmes.

Should you have any queries regarding any of the information contained within the delivery programme or if you are a developer or landowner looking to bring forward any development site(s) and require any assistance or guidance then contact our Delivery team.

Delivering development – housing site prospectus  

You can view the second publication of the housing site prospectus which has been produced by the Delivery team to showcase sites available for development in the area. It has been designed to accompany the 2017 Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan and gives an overview of more than 60 individual sites, including settlement information, photographs and delivery considerations necessary to bring a site forward. 

The main focus of the prospectus is sites allocated for housing, though some mixed allocations have been included. The sites are divided up into four different categories, from small scale housing sites allocated for up to 10 houses to large scale developments allocated for over 100 houses.

member of our Delivery team is dedicated to each site. You can contact them if you are interested in taking a site forward or want to find out more about a particular opportunity.  

We would also welcome any feedback that you may wish to provide on the format and information contained in the prospectus or on a particular site to inform future publications.


Delivery team