
Aberdeenshire’s Digital Strategy 2020-2025 

Why a new Digital Strategy? 

This strategy sets out our priorities and commitment to optimising digital technology to improve our business, enable economic growth, support the environment and benefit residents whilst ensuring no one is left behind. Our digital approach for Aberdeenshire is underpinned by a set of guiding principles, to help us continue to achieve the Council vision, delivering our six strategic priorities stated in our Council Plan. The impact from the COVID-19 pandemic has increased our focus on the potential for change and the pace that we can achieve building on our learning and community feedback evidenced through our Community Impact Assessments.

Read more about why we created a new digital strategy.

Moving forward 2020-2025

This Strategy encompasses 4 themes of service delivery for the Council:

  • Our citizens and communities
  • Our employees
  • Our information
  • Our services  

Foggy landscape

Our citizens and communities

  • Can access all relevant services online, at a time and on a device that suits them
  • Use a single login to get joined-up access to services
  • Have fast, reliable internet access at home and / or at a public building
  • Receive cohesive and efficient frontline service delivery
  • Learners are digitally enabled where blended learning is facilitated through the council’s estate for connectivity and digital skills
  • Benefit from infrastructure that supports economic growth
  • Feel supported, have improved confidence to use technology to transact and communicate with us in ways that work best for them

Autumn trees with sunlight coming through them

Our information

  • Is accurate, joined-up and secure, to support integrated, efficient service delivery and enable collaboration with partners in healthcare and other services to drive performance and improve outcomes for our citizens
  • Is managed effectively and stored efficiently to reduce processing and  storage costs
  • Is available as Open Data whenever possible, allowing information to be used, re-used and shared by all
  • Is widely available and used to improve decision-making and support early intervention

People walking on Newburgh beach

Our employees

  • Work in an environment which provides solid, reliable and innovative  technology solutions
  • Are supported to work flexibly and in a mobile way which removes avoidable travel contributing to work-life balance
  • Use devices which are best suited to the way that they live and work
  • Have secure access to all appropriate systems and information to allow them to do their jobs efficiently and effectively without being constrained by technology or location
  • Collaborate with other staff and partners to share information and knowledge, improve decision-making, streamline service delivery and enable co-production of innovative solutions
  • Have the digital skills they need to make the most of technology

Couple walking on Stonehaven beach

Our services

  • Are people-centred, accessible and efficient
  • Our use of data will enhance public accountability, drive performance improvement empowering local communities to play an increased role in the design and delivery of local services
  • Technology is used to streamline service delivery, building capacity and reducing pressures
  • We will continue to increase the number of transactions that can be completed online and improve the online transaction experience
  • Innovation and improved services will be based on the analysis of real-time information flows to quickly identify trends
  • We will work with NHS Grampian to provide seamless access to digital services across health and social care services and provide better integration between health and social care services
  • We will explore opportunities to expand the use of digital engagement tools which allow people to have video calls with our service professionals, and utilise technology to enable better customer service
  • We will explore opportunities for innovation that can help people to live independent lives