
Rediscover Peterhead Business Improvement District Renewal Election 2022

The Rediscover Peterhead Business Improvement District (BID) was approved at ballot on 28th September 2017 and started operations as a limited company on 29th November 2017.

The BID must be approved at a renewal ballot if it wishes to continue beyond the end of its five-year term. A postal ballot was held on the proposal that Rediscover Peterhead will continue for a further five-year term.

A BID is a business-led organisation that provides support for businesses in that area. A levy will be charged to all commercial buildings that fall within the defined area of the BID if a yes ballot is successful. 

Eligible business rate payers will receive a copy of the BID proposal document.

The ballot was conducted entirely by post by the Independent Scrutineer, Civica Elections Services of 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW.

Ballot papers were counted on Friday 30th September 2022.


A ballot was held on the proposal of Rediscover Peterhead to renew the Business Improvement District (BID).

View the declaration of ballot results (PDF 71KB).