
Budget proposals 2017/18

As part of our budget planning for 2017/18, a set of infographics was developed and used to seek your views on a range of service themes.

Each of them painted a picture of a different part of council budget-setting. For example, there was a section on the pressures that the council faces, one which focused on Council Tax, and one which laid out some future opportunities.

For each proposal there was a survey with a short set of questions to give you the opportunity to make your voice heard.

The results were passed to Councillors who, in turn, used them to inform their decision-making for the coming financial year.

Our budget for 2017/18 was set on Thursday, 9th February 2017. 

Your views: the results

All of the responses and comments you sent us have been looked at in detail and a summary of these can be found in this budget engagement analysis (PDF 35KB) report.

You can also view the results for each theme as below, including the original infographic, the summary results, and the full survey data.