Budget savings
Budget savings 2023/24
The revenue budget for 2023/24 was debated by councillors on 9th March 2023. View the budget report (PDF 3.08MB) opens in a new tab.
As part of preparing the proposed revenue budget, Integrated Impact Assessments (IIA) were undertaken and those where equality impacts and socio-economic impacts were identified are available on this page. View summary of IIA outcomes (PDF 1.08MB).
Business Services
View savings proposals for Business Services:
- IT staffing (PDF 37KB)
- Customer Services staffing (PDF 39KB)
- WHH postage (PDF 34KB)
- WHH Waste (PDF 35KB)
- Office accommodation postage (PDF 34KB)
- Buchan House – service charge income (PDF 34KB)
- Removal of additional cleans required as part of COVID-19 (PDF 33KB)
- Employee support services provision (PDF 37KB)
- Council Tax single person discount review (PDF 35KB)
- Printing and postage savings (PDF 34KB)
- Prompt payment discount and licence holders income (PDF 34KB)
- Vacant Risk and Resilience Manager post (PDF 33KB)
- Business Services Directorate and support services budget savings (PDF 35KB)
- Additional income from Scottish Water (PDF 34KB)
- Councillors remuneration and expenses (PDF 35KB)
- Target Savings for Estate Rationalisation Across the council (PDF 155KB)
Education and Children's Services
View savings proposals for Education and Children's Services:
- Pupil Equity Funding (PEF): contribution of 5% for central costs: Primary, Secondary and Special School Budgets (PDF 73KB)
- Remove Family Information Service (PDF 38KB)
- Reduction of spend on current pre-school structures (PDF 38KB)
- Reduction in DHT entitlement to EY (PDF 38KB)
- Removal of the funded providers access to free, statutory Early Learning and Childcare training (PDF 37KB)
- Class size maxima - primary schools (PDF 36KB)
- Increase efficiency charges in primary school budgets (PDF 35KB)
- Increase efficiency charges in secondary school budgets (PDF 35KB)
- Increase efficiency charges in special schools (PDF 35KB)
- Reduction of Education Support Officer (ESO) posts (PDF 35KB)
- Removal of primary and secondary Curriculum Development projects and posts (PDF 35KB)
- Reduction of CPD budgets by 50% - Primary, Secondary and Central (PDF 36KB)
- Reduction in SFL Teachers (PDF 181KB)
- Reduce grants provided to third parties (PDF 125KB)
- Reduce small repairs budget (PDF 139KB)
- Community facilities closure and asset rationalisation (PDF 150KB)
- Young Scot membership (PDF 110KB)
- Youth Bank (PDF 149KB)
- Reduce Young People Community Grants (PDF 148KB)
Environment and Infrastructure Services
View savings proposals for Environment and Infrastructure Services:
- Discretionary planning charges (PDF 40KB)
- Purchase of Stonehaven Harbour porta cabin (PDF 34KB)
- Urban verge maintenance (PDF 75KB)
- Removal of a Change Manager Programme post (PDF 34KB)
- Full cost recovery for Short Term Lets licensing (PDF 36KB)
- Export health certificates for products of animal origin exported to EU (PDF 36KB)
- Waste collection and disposal (PDF 35KB)
- Withdrawal of Registered Social Landlord (RSL) Sheltered Housing Support (PDF 98KB)
- Harbour rates and dues (PDF 84KB)
- Reduction to the budget to provide Grant Fund supporting Aberdeenshire Business (PDF 149KB)
- Reduce annual budget to Visit Aberdeenshire (PDF 107KB)
- Local bus service withdrawals (PDF 362KB)