
Council's corporate structure

Aberdeenshire Council's activities are organised into four Services, led by the Chief Executive Office.

Chief Executive

Seirbheis Àrd-Stiùiriche

Jim Savege

Salary: £160,249

Jim Savege portrait photo

Environment and Infrastructure

Àrainneachd agus Bun-structar

Director: Alan Wood

Salary: £131,841

Portrait photo of Alan Wood


Planning and Economy
Head of Service: Paul Macari

Environment and Sustainability
Head of Service: Ewan Wallace

Roads and Infrastructure
Head of Service: Philip McKay

Housing and Building Standards
Head of Service: Alexander Macleod

Marr Area 
Area Manager: Janelle Clark

Kincardine and Mearns Area 
Area Manager: Tim Stephen

Education and Children's Services

Foghlam agus Seirbheisean Chloinne

Director: Laurence Findlay

Salary: £131,841

Laurence Findlay portrait photo


Children’s Services
Head of Service: Leigh Jolly

Head of Service: Susan Smith

Communities, Wellbeing and Partnerships
Head of Service: Avril Nicol

Resources and Performance
Interim Head of Service: Ann-Marie Davies Macleod

Banff and Buchan Area
Area Manager: Angela Keith

Garioch Area
Area Manager: Ann Overton

Business Services

Seirbheisean Gnothachais

Director: Rob Simpson

Salary: £131,841

Portrait of Rob Simpson


Head of Service: Mary Beattie

Customer and Digital
Head of Service: Kate Bond

Legal and People
Head of Service: Karen Wiles

Property and Facilities Management
Head of Service: Allan Whyte

Buchan Area
Area Manager: Amanda Roe

Formartine Area
Area Manager: Elaine Brown

Commercial and Procurement (shared with Aberdeen City and Highland Councils)
Head of Service: Craig Innes

Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership

Slàinte agus Cùram Sòisealta

Chief Officer: Pamela Milliken

Salary: £99,793

Pamela Milliken portrait photo


North Area
Partnership Manager: Jeff Shaw

Central Area
Partnership Manager: Alex Pirie

South Area
Partnership Manager: Janine Howie