Housing market statistics
Find out more about the housing market in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire:
Housing land audit
The housing land audit gives details of the location, characteristics, and status of sites which make up the housing land supply in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire. The audit is used to determine if there is sufficient land available for housing development in the area.
View the Housing Land Audit 2024.
You can also view previous housing land audits.
House prices
Aberdeenshire’s Housing Market (PDF 890KB) gives average house prices for Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City, housing market areas and towns with proportions of new build and second-hand sales in each town.
The Aberdeen housing market report gives additional information and analysis of house prices in Aberdeen City and the surrounding area. It provides details of the change in house prices over time, volume of sales, and how prices vary between different types of houses.
See also housing market and house price figures published by the Scottish Government’s Centre For Housing Market Analysis at a national and local authority level.
Housing need and demand
The Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) estimates the future number of additional homes required to meet existing and future housing need and demand. Its purpose is to provide a robust, shared and agreed evidence base for housing policy and land use planning to ensure that Local Development Plans and Local Housing Strategies are based on a common understanding of existing and future housing requirements. It provides a wide range of information and statistics on population, household and economic trends and reviews the current housing stock, house prices and trends in the housing market. It also examines housing requirements of specific household groups such as older people, those with disabilities, Gypsy/Travellers and homeless households.
The Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2023 (PDF 4.9MB) was published in January 2024. The Centre for Housing Market Analysis provides additional information about Housing Need and Demand Assessments and other housing market statistics.
If you can’t find what you are looking for or would like further information on any of the topics covered, please get in touch by emailing statistics@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.