Towns and areas statistics
View statistics, facts and figures about Aberdeenshire in our profiles.
Area and town profiles
The area and town profiles 2024 is an interactive report presenting facts, figures and information about population, housing, the economy and employment. The report presents this information at an Aberdeenshire or administrative area level. Information is also available for the 19 main towns.
View further information about services and facilities in Aberdeenshire.
You can also view:
- More information and statistics about Aberdeenshire from the Office of National Statistics
- Additional analysis highlighting current issues affecting Aberdeenshire in the latest Strategic Assessment, as well as facts and figures about Aberdeenshire
- A map of Aberdeenshire to see the boundaries of administrative areas
Intermediate zone profiles
Detailed facts, figures and information about Aberdeenshire's intermediate zones. Population, age structure, employment, health, household income, housing.
View our intermediate zones profiles.
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