
Sports and physical activity privacy notice

This privacy notice is for Live Life Aberdeenshire: sports and physical activity.

The Data Controller of the information being collected is Aberdeenshire Council.

The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at Town House, 34 Low Street, Banff, AB45 1AY or by email at

Your information is being collected to use for the following purposes:

  • Full name, date of birth, address and contact details (email, mobile or landline phone no) are collected from members and customers who partake in all sporting activities which include for example: use the gym, swimming lessons, holiday programmes etc; those who are eligible for discounted access or have season passes; regarding
    membership arrangements or any issues relating to their bookings or classes and facilitate online bookings
  • The age is collected from the customer to ensure the correct age related charge is being applied, or age restricted products are not sold
  • Gender and age information is collected for equity and performance
  • Medical details are collected, on a self-declaration basis where customers have conditions we may need to be aware of in order for them to use the facilities and participate safely in the classes available to them
  • Bank details are collected from members to facilitate the payment of Direct Debit agreements and / or online payments to allow Aberdeenshire Council to collect payments from you, if and when they become due
  • If an NEC card is required we will collect passport number, driving License number or other such reference number as formal proof of identity

Your information is being collected by Aberdeenshire Council.

The legal basis for collecting the information

Personal data for performance of a contract (explicit consent) - to enable members and customers to partake in all sporting activities which include for example: use the gym, swimming lessons, holiday programmes.

Consent (the data subject has given explicit consent to the processing) - to enable the authority to inform you of promotions, offers or changes of programme.

If you don't provide the information

Where the Legal Basis for processing is either performance of a contract or legal obligation, please note the consequences of failure to provide the minimum information described above would result in you being unable to participate in the facilities available to you as a member.

Your information will be shared with the following recipients or categories of recipient

  • Scottish Government for the National Entitlement Card where appropriate
  • Where customers have entered in to specific agreements information may be shared with NHS
  • Grampian or Macmillan Move More (Substance)
  • Gladstone MRM Ltd
  • Innovatise
  • Civica UK Ltd and Verifone Services UK and Ireland (electronic booking system used)

Retention period for the data

All information (including medical) will be retained until membership ceases. Non-medical information will be retained for 3 years after membership comes to an end to enable participation trends to be collated and used for future service planning provision.

Your rights

Please note that you have the following rights:

  • To withdraw consent at any time, where the legal basis specified above is consent, by contacting 
  • To lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office
  • To request access to your personal data
  • To request rectification or erasure of your personal data, as so far as the legislation permits