
Dogs barking

A common source of annoyance is noise caused by animals, particularly barking dogs. The annoyance caused by a barking dog is dealt under civil law in Scotland and comes under The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. This allows any person affected by dog barking to take private action.

Any individual affected by dog barking can make an application to the Justice of the Peace (JP) Court for an order to be made. If the court decides that the dog is causing annoyance, it may make an order requiring its owner to prevent the annoyance from continuing. In terms of this legislation the court cannot order destruction of the dog. This (Section 49) application must be made by the individual affected and not by the local authority.

Rented properties 

If the property is rented, either council, housing association or privately rented, it may be possible for the property owner to take further action under the missive of tenancy.