Renting a property
Renting a council property
Find out who can apply for a council property and how you apply for one. Information on what happens after you have applied, how the properties are allocated and what sort of properties there are.
Renting from a registered landlord
Find out about registered social landlords in Aberdeenshire and the properties available to rent. Includes information on housing associations and co-operatives.
Renting a private property
Find out about the private renting market in Aberdeenshire, your rights and responsibilities as a private tenant, getting help paying your rent and the rent guarantee scheme.
Renting sheltered housing
Find out about sheltered housing schemes in Aberdeenshire and the facilities they have.
Mid-market rental housing
Create Homes Aberdeenshire provides affordable houses to rent at a reasonable cost.
Private rented sector as a housing option
Find out more about Private Rented Sector (PRS) Advertising Aberdeenshire.