
Renting a private property

Aberdeenshire has a large private rented sector, rents can be high and deposits are usually needed to secure a property.

Aberdeen Solicitors' Property Centre's (ASPC) website gives details of estate agents operating in Aberdeenshire and properties to rent.

Rights and responsibilities of private tenants

As a private tenant, you have various rights and responsibilities automatically by law. For example, a landlord has to go through a set process if they want you to leave their property and you do not want to move. You can find out more about these rights and responsibilities from the Scottish Government website.

Rented property repairs

All property that is rented in the private sector must meet the Repairing Standard. If you think that your property does not meet this standard you should tell your landlord that work needs to be done, and give them reasonable time to complete the work.

If your landlord fails to complete the work you can apply to the Housing and Property Chamber for a ruling that your landlord has failed to carry out necessary repairs. When applying to the Housing and Property Chamber you must give evidence to show that you have contacted your landlord and asked them to do the work.

Help paying rent

If you are on a low income and need help to pay your rent you may qualify for local housing allowance.

Rent deposit guarantee scheme

We offer a Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme which allows homeless people, who cannot afford a deposit, to rent private accommodation. Cash is not given, but a guarantee offered to the landlord. For more information on the scheme contact Housing.