
Skerry Hall sheltered housing

Street view of Skerry Hall Sheltered Housing with car parked in front

On this page you will find information about Skerry Hall sheltered housing:


Skerry Hall is located within the village of Boddam. The full address is:

Skerry Hall
Seaview Road
AB42 3EW

Boddam has a regular bus service, with a bus stop across the road from the scheme, and a convenience shop next to the building. Boddam is home to the Buchan Ness Lighthouse, built in 1827 By Robert Stevenson.

Boddam is a short bus ride to Peterhead where there is a good selection of shops, large supermarkets, a cinema, and a sports centre. There is also a regular bus service to Aberdeen.


Skerry Hall has one cottage and eleven flats all across one level. Facilities include:

  • a communal lounge
  • laundry facilities
  • gardens

All flats have:

  • double glazing
  • fitted kitchens
  • gas central heating

Skerry Hall is fitted with a door entry system and all properties are connected to the Community Alarm Service.


Many sheltered housing communities offer opportunities to engage with other tenants and participate in activities. The communal areas, such as lounges and gardens, provide space tenants can use for relaxation and casual socialising.

Activities vary from community to community, and can include:

  • fish and chip nights
  • bingo
  • dominoes
  • craft clubs
  • concerts

Tenants are regularly consulted regarding future activities and encouraged to contribute suggestions. Available activities will be advertised on the notice board within Skerry Hall.


For general enquiries about sheltered housing please email or phone 01467 468154.

For questions about Skerry Hall please email or phone 01358 281139.

If you wish to apply for sheltered housing you can do so through our housing portal.