
Rent arrears

What happens if you have a problem paying rent

If you are having difficulty paying your rent, it is very important that you contact us straight away.

One of our Housing Officers will discuss your rent account with you, either in a local Housing office or in your own home. They will listen to any problem you may have and wherever possible will work with you to resolve any difficulties by agreeing an arrangement with you to pay an amount you can afford.

For more information about how to avoid rent arrears please read our how to avoid rent arrears (PDF 430KB) leaflet.

What happens if you break a repayment agreement

If for some reason you cannot keep an agreement, contact your local Housing Officer immediately. They will understand if something unforeseen has occurred that prevents you from making an agreed payment, but always try to offer some level of payment.

What happens if you don't pay rent

If you fall behind with your rent, you should contact Housing immediately for help and advice.

You will be able to talk to a Housing Officer and come to an agreement to clear the amount due. It is important for you to take action as soon as possible before the arrears become more difficult for you to clear.

If you do not contact us, we will write to you stating the level of rent arrears and requesting that you get in contact with a Housing Officer immediately.

If you continue not to pay or your rent arrears increases a Housing Officer will call at your home. They will discuss with you how to reduce the arrears.

We may need to take legal action if we cannot discuss your account with you, or you break an agreement and your arrears continue to increase.