
Communal or block repairs

As well as attending to emergency and routine repairs in your home, we also carry out repairs to certain communal areas in blocks where the Council still owns properties, such as stairs or roofs of tenement blocks or flats.

The responsibility for repairs is shared between all the owners. To get non-urgent repairs done we will refer to the deed of conditions for the property. All homeowners are responsible for repairs and maintenance to communal areas and contributing their share of the costs. 

Under the Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004, we can help homeowners reach a decision on getting repairs to communal areas done according to the Tenement Management Scheme, if you ask us to. Under One Roof provides impartial advice on repairs and maintenance for flat owners in Scotland. It provides information and advice on owners rights and responsibilities, and how to maintain and manage a building.

If you contact Housing, we can arrange for an inspection of the repair, and provide an estimate. We then contact all homeowners and give them the opportunity to obtain estimates from alternative contractors before trying to reach a majority decision on a contractor.

In all cases of communal / block repairs where the fault is a risk to health and safety, or requires repair under our wind and watertight landlord obligations, the fault will be repaired according to our priority timescales for the completion of emergency and urgent jobs.

We are responsible for repairs to communal stair lighting.