
Sub-letting your property

You can take someone in to live with you and charge them rent if your home is large enough; and you charge a reasonable rent.

Before you take in a lodger or sub-let all or part of your home you need to obtain our written permission.

You need to let us know who you intend to have as a lodger or sub-let to and the financial arrangements you have made regarding the let. You should contact Housing for guidance before you decide to sub-let your house.

You can contact Housing to request an application form for this. The information you provide in the form helps us to assess if we can grant permission for your lodger or lodgers and that the rent you will charge is reasonable.

If you receive housing benefit, your entitlement may be affected if you have a lodger.

If you have a lodger or sub-let your property, you are responsible for their behaviour and for the condition of the property. You are also responsible for the payment of rent and any other charges direct to us.