
Conditions of Use


Copyright is reserved on the data held within the Aberdeenshire, Moray, Angus and Aberdeen Historic Environment Records (HERs) (formerly known as Sites and Monuments Records (SMRs). The data may be used for personal research without charge but all output resulting from the use of the data must acknowledge the source as ‘compiled by and copyright of Aberdeenshire Council Archaeology Service’.

The online HERs are intended to be used for personal research only. Data may be downloaded to disk or printed out for personal use only but it may not in any way of trade or otherwise, be lent, sold or re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the prior consent of Aberdeenshire Council Archaeology Service (ACAS).

If you wish to use information derived from the HERs for publication in printed or multimedia form or to compile resources for commercial or organisational use, permission must be obtained in writing from the Archaeology Service, Infrastructure Services, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB or email us at A copyright reproduction fee may be charged.


Details contained within these databases have been drawn together from a variety of sources and have not always been verified in the field by ACAS. The listings are as comprehensive as possible but there can be no guarantee that they are complete. Further field survey, excavation and aerial photography may reveal additional sites of archaeological interest. The information here is believed to be correct, however, no responsibility can be accepted by Aberdeenshire Council or any of its staff for any errors or omissions and no claims for compensation or negligence will be accepted.


The majority of the sites or buildings in the HERs are not open to the public and permission to visit a site should always be sought from the landowner or tenant. The inclusion of a shipwreck in any of the HERs does not imply that it can be safely dived.

Protection of Sites

Legislation protects many of the sites and buildings recorded in the HERs and it is a criminal offence to damage them. It is also an offence to use a metal-detector on a Scheduled Monument. Works to a Scheduled Monument will require prior consent from Historic Environment Scotland. Works to Listed Buildings will require prior Listed Building Consent through the planning process.

Developer control for Archaeological Sites

The HERs available online are not suitable for development control purposes or for assembling information for agri-enviroment schemes, nor for constructing management policy for the sites. All consultants for such development work should approach us directly (search fee may be charged):

Archaeology Service
Infrastructure Services
Woodhill House
Westburn Road
AB16 5GB