Henges are ceremonial enclosures with a bank outside the ditch dating from the late third millennium BC. The few known in the north-east are small.
1. Wormy Hillock
In Clashindarroch Forest; 3 miles S of Huntly, turn W off the A97, on minor road to Mytice. Use Forestry Commission carpark. Walk for 2 miles on track to Finglenny and through trees until just before crossing burn onto another track, leave track and go up burn side for 50m to henge.
2. Broomend of Crichie
On the S side of Inverurie. Access on corner of road on B993 after turning E off A96 on the S side of Inverurie. Lies across the road behind the garage.
3. Quarry Wood
About 3 miles W of Elgin, turn N off A96 onto minor road to Rosebrae. The carpark is on the right. Walk E through wood along the track for 1 mile to henge which is on S facing hill crest.