If you are a Pipelines or Utilities Builder
Construction and refurbishment of pipelines, overhead electrical line refurbishments and other similar utility works may impact on known or potential archaeological sites, and you are required to ensure that the archaeology is appropriately recorded and/or protected.
Depending on the significance of the sites and the nature of the works proposed, the mitigation can range from a walkover survey to a watching brief or full excavation. Should proposed works be considered a threat to known or potential archaeological sites then an Archaeological Development Brief will be provided for you by the Archaeology Service, detailing the mitigation work required. Please note: the developer is obliged to pay for any work undertaken to record the archaeology affected.
Works requiring planning permission will be dealt with through the normal planning process. Other works may not require planning permission but should still take account of potential impacts on archaeology in line with legislation, Scottish Government policy and best practice. These include:
- Historic Environment Policy for Scotland (HEPS)
- PAN2/2011 Planning Advice Note "Planning and Archaeology"
- Electricity Act 1989, Schedule 9 (Preservation of Amenity and Fisheries)
- Water Industry Scotland Act 2002
- National Planning Framework 4: policy 7 ‘Historic Assets and Places’
- Delivery of public benefit and social value for archaeology in the planning process
Information and advice
The Archaeology Service can provide information on the historic environment to help in assessing archaeological impacts and can advise on appropriate mitigation for proposed works within Aberdeenshire, Moray, Angus and Aberdeen City Council areas.
When consulted, we will:
- carry out a search of all known sites within the scheme's boundary
- assess potential impact on the archaeological record
- provide you with details of known sites affected
- provide GIS shapefile extracts (on request)
- advise on appropriate mitigation measures and provide a written Archaeological Development Brief
Please be advised that from 1st April 2024 a charge of £97 plus VAT is applicable for this service.
For further information and queries please contact archaeology@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.