
If you are an Archaeological Consultant

Archaeological ConsultantYou will be contacting us for a variety of reasons, from collecting baseline data for Environmental Impact Assessments and Desk-Based Assessments to seeking comments on areas a client is interested in.

The type of record that we hold is an historic environment record (HER). In addition to the SQL based databases we maintain, we can import and export most GIS file formats and our HER overlays are 100% polygonised. The polygons are hand drawn with an appropriate buffer, dependant on local topographical features and known extent of the site.

We also maintain a digital archive, oblique photograph and slide collection, a vertical aerial photograph collection from circa 1976 and 1988, and various other documents relating to the North East of Scotland.

Key points to remember when using our HER data:

  • Our unique Primary Site Reference numbers are based on the OS 1:10,000 map sheet system
  • Our Site Name may differ from that of other sources
  • Our Site Description and Site Location are the most up-to-date information that we have for any given site or findspot
  • Our polygons for a Scheduled Monument may extend to a larger area than that outlined in the Scheduling document. This is to take in other features in the area that form part of the site, but which are not Scheduled. The only source for accurate information on the extent of a Scheduled Area is Historic Scotland.

If you require an extract from the HER, or need information on a particular area, please remember to provide a Grid Reference and Location Map. There may be a charge involved depending on the nature of the request, please contact us directly beforehand for an estimated total.

Charging scheme for the 2024/25 financial year

Number of sites within GIS extract
Basic charge for GIS extract
1 to 10 sites £74 plus VAT
11 to 150 sites £118 plus VAT
151 to 750 sites £197 plus VAT
751 to 2000 sites £262 plus VAT
Over 2000 sites - bespoke extract price on application

We are always happy to discuss the format and extent of any study area, report or gazetteer. 

View the Archaeology service data extracts and advice privacy notice (PDF 133KB).


For further information and queries please contact