
Licensing Board Publication Schemes

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) provides individuals with a right of access to all recorded information held by Scotland’s public authorities. Anyone can use this right, and information can only be withheld where FOISA expressly permits it.

Section 23 of FOISA also requires that all Scottish public authorities maintain a publication scheme. A publication scheme sets out the types of information that a public authority routinely makes available. Publication schemes are high level, strategic documents in which a public authority commits to making published information reasonably available to the general public. This ensures that published information held by authorities is open, accountable and transparent at all times.

The Aberdeenshire Licensing Board is a public authority required to comply with FOISA.

The Licensing Board adopted the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme (PDF 428KB) as amended and this was reaffirmed in June 2022. 

Authorities adopting the Model Publication Scheme make a commitment to publish all the information they hold which falls within the classes of information in the scheme. 

The boards have produced a guide to information (PDF 862KB) to:

  • allow the public to see what information is available in relation to each class
  • state what charges may be applied
  • explain how to find the information easily
  • provide contact details for enquiries and to help with accessing the information
  • explain how to request information that has not been published

Alongside FOISA, the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2005 (the EIRs) provide a separate right of access to environmental information that we hold. Our publication scheme also contains details of the environmental information that we routinely make available.

Making a FOI request

You may find it useful to review the “Tips for Requesters” guidance from the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner prior to submitting a request.

Find out how to make an FOI request.