
08 August 2022

Grants of up to £50,000 available for local projects as Community Led Vision Fund opens

Aberdeenshire Council’s Community Led Vision Fund is now live and open for applications, providing up to £50,000 to support local projects.

Grants are being invited from public sector organisations, small to medium-sized enterprises, charities, community groups and co-operatives throughout Aberdeenshire (excluding the Cairngorms area) and can fund a range of activities with positive community, social or environmental impacts. 

Applications will be assessed and approved by a combined North and South Local Action Group (LAG), a cross-sector partnership comprising of representatives from Aberdeenshire’s public and private sector.

The fund is part of the council’s Local Development Funding Programme and grants will be targeted towards activities or infrastructure which can be delivered before March 2023 and support one or more of the following priorities:

• Capacity Building to ‘unlock’ projects (e.g. feasibility, pre-construction work, options appraisals)
• Quick win capital work for community spaces (e.g. improving interiors in newly re-opened community buildings, or energy efficiency measures)
• Green public spaces (e.g. planting or restoring green spaces, outdoor play/recreation)
• Opportunities for young people (creating or improving spaces, purchasing equipment, etc.)

Grants of between £5,000 and £50,000 will be available, and a minimum 10% match funding contribution to projects by applicants is desirable but not essential.

LAG Chair Gina Ford said: “We are delighted to announce the launch of this exciting new programme, and build upon the legacy of LEADER funding and rural development in this area over recent decades.”

Infrastructure Services Committee chair Cllr John Crawley added: “This fund is broad-ranging and very much community-led, and builds on schemes that have helped local projects reach fruition in the past.

“We’d love to see applications from community groups and organisations that are in a position to be able to move their projects forward in the current financial year.”

Committee vice-chair Cllr Isobel Davidson said: “This fund has the capacity to support both smaller and larger projects and could be just what is needed to help communities bring local projects into reality.

“The important thing here is that the projects must be completed before the end of March next year, so groups should move quickly if they wish to take advantage of this funding, and our teams are happy to provide support with the application process.”

The deadline for submission of applications is Sunday, September 11, and potential applicants can access the application form and guidance via

Applicants are also encouraged to contact the funding team for more information and support at