
11 August 2022

Special meeting of Aberdeenshire Council to decide on adoption of modified Local Development Plan 2022

Aberdeenshire Council will next month decide whether to adopt the Local Development Plan 2020 as modified.

The Examination into the Proposed Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2020 concluded in June this year with a set of recommendations.

Officers have now completed their assessment of the Reporter’s conclusions which are normally binding, except in limited circumstances.

Aberdeenshire Council’s Area Committees will be presented with the recommendations for scrutiny between August 23 and September 6 and will be asked to advise Full Council of their views as whether to accept or otherwise the Reporter’s modifications to the Proposed Aberdeenshire LDP 2022.

A special meeting of the Full Council on September 21 will then decide whether to adopt the Plan as modified.

Subsequently, the finalised Local Development Plan 2022 that Aberdeenshire Council wish to adopt will be proposed to Scottish Ministers and the plan adopted on a date probably in late October this year.

The latest plan will direct decision-making on all land-use planning issues and planning applications across Aberdeenshire over the next five years.

Once every five years the council is required to publish a new plan for the area to inform and advise developers and communities of the principles on which built development should follow and where it should be located.

This will be the last Local Development Plan to be published prior to new provisions within the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 with regards to a 10-year plan.

The content of the proposed LDP remains largely unchanged from the existing Local Development Plan 2017, featuring an ongoing vision of helping develop a strong and resilient economy, promoting a high quality of life and sustainable, low carbon places.

It also seeks to ensure that the exceptional cultural and natural environment across Aberdeenshire is protected and enhanced.

New housing opportunities have been identified across Aberdeenshire including sites at Banchory, Echt, Fetterangus, Fyvie, Gourdon, Inverurie, Newburgh, Pitmedden, St Combs and Turriff among others.

Development continues to be focused towards the three strategic growth areas along the A90 north and south and the A96.

Aberdeenshire Council has also taken a positive step in removing long-standing sites which have failed to be delivered.

Policies contained within the proposed LDP are intended to ensure the long-term sustainability and prosperity of the area and direct the right development to the right place in line with national policy.

Aberdeenshire has had a fully up-to-date LDP for a number of years which ensures that new developments take place alongside the provision of facilities such as schools and in places where the transport system is either suitable for dealing with the increased travel demand or can be improved.

Head of Planning and Economy, Paul Macari, said: “The policy framework contained within the proposed LDP outlines a sustainable development strategy for Aberdeenshire with a focus on maximising development opportunity, delivery, regeneration and conservation of our built and natural environments.”