
22 June 2022

Trading Standards warning over cold-calling offers of leftover road materials to repair private driveways

Aberdeenshire Council’s Trading Standards are raising awareness of cold-calling at rural properties offering driveway services following concerns raised across the region in recent weeks.

Individuals are giving residents the impression that they are working on behalf of the council conducting roadworks locally and claim to be offering leftover road materials at a discounted price - usually offering to fill potholes on private driveways. 

Unfortunately, those who accept the offer often realise too late that:

• Individuals are not working for us
• More work than agreed has been carried out
• The work is substandard
• They have been issued with an invoice for £1,000s
• They are unable to trace the individuals to seek any redress as the address information provided is false

Trading Standards are becoming increasingly concerned about the way these individuals are misleading residents in order to gain contracts as well as the quality of the work done for the money being sought. 

Philip McKay, Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services, stressed: “These individuals are not working for - or on the behalf of - Aberdeenshire Council. The road material that is being offered is not leftover materials from another job and we will never offer to sell such materials from any roadwork operations. Such individuals are preying on the trust built up between residents and the council to illicit contracts for their own financial gain, while causing problems and stress to those within our communities.”

Gordon Buchanan, Service Manager for Environmental Health and Trading Standards, added: “Aberdeenshire Council does not conduct any door-to-door sales activities and any suggestions of discounted rates for any leftover material is fictitious. We therefore urge residents not to buy any goods and services from those who just show up on your doorstep unexpectedly and to be cautious about responding to flyers posted through your door.”

We would encourage residents not to feel pressurised into having any work done – politely decline the offer and close the door. 

If you are considering getting any work done we recommend you receive multiple written quotes from reliable traders and conduct a bit of research into the company you are considering employing.

We also urge residents to look out for their family, friends and neighbours who may be targeted by such individuals. Report anything suspicious or concerning to Aberdeenshire Trading Standards on 01467 537222.