
19 May 2022

Aberdeenshire Council leadership confirmed

The first meeting of the new Full Council was held today, and at it the new leadership was confirmed.

The meeting endorsed a new Conservative/Liberal Democrat/Independent administration.

Leader: Cllr Mark Findlater
Deputy Leader: Cllr Anne Stirling

Provost: Cllr Judy Whyte
Deputy Provost: Cllr Ron McKail

The meeting also appointed chairs and vice-chairs to the relevant policy committee roles.

Audit Committee chair: Cllr Ross Cassie
Audit Committee vice-chair: Cllr Stewart Adams

Business Services Committee chair:  Cllr Mark Findlater
Business Services Committee vice-chair: Cllr John Cox

Communities Committee chair: Cllr Anne Stirling
Communities Committee vice-chair: Cllr Hannah Powell

Education and Children’s Services chair: Cllr Gillian Owen
Education and Children’s Services vice-chair: Cllr Anne Simpson

Infrastructure Services chair: Cllr John Crawley
Infrastructure Services vice-chair: Cllr Isobel Davidson

Sustainability Committee chair: Cllr Sarah Dickinson
Sustainability Committee vice-chair: Cllr Jim Gifford

The chair and vice-chair of the Area Committees will be agreed at the first meeting of their relevant committee in the coming weeks.