
04 May 2022

Communities urged to apply for Buchan Area Committee grant funding

Aberdeenshire Council is inviting community groups to apply for a share of the £61,500 allocated to the Buchan Area Committee Grant Scheme 2022.

Communities across Buchan can apply for 80% of the total cost of a project with a maximum of £5,000 - or £10,000 if the work is deemed a priority by the community.

The £10,000 limit will apply to projects where the work has been identified and prioritised by the community and will help them deliver targets identified in their action plans. 

These projects may help groups develop halls or parks, explore asset transfer opportunities, develop community resilience plans, improve the sustainability of their assets through renewable energy or carbon footprint reducing measures, as well as addressing emerging priorities where evidence supports the need.

Funding of up to £5,000 will be available for projects which can demonstrate wide community benefit and can enhance a local area. Funding can be used to support a range of initiatives such as improving the appearance of towns and villages, supporting the health and wellbeing of residents, reducing social isolation and supporting community businesses and social enterprises.

Last year, the scheme successfully helped local communities deliver a wide variety of community projects, including upgrades to local facilities in St Fergus, Strichen, Maud, Hatton and Mintlaw.

The grant scheme also funded feasibility studies for lighting at Fetterangus football pitch and improvements to the pier at Buchanhaven Harbour, while also supporting Peterhead Men’s Shed and Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust to purchase essential items of equipment.

This year the Buchan Area Committee hopes to support even more groups with innovative ideas for projects.

The fund is administered and promoted through Buchan Development Partnership (BDP) which can provide guidance for potential projects, so all groups should discuss their project with the charity prior to submitting an application.

The deadline for applications is May 29 and all organisations are required to submit a copy of their constitution and most recent verified accounts.

For more information or to request an application form contact or telephone 01771 622071.