
14 November 2022

What is Let's Talk Education - the National Discussion on the future of Education?

The world around us has changed a lot since the last time a national debate was held on education.

We need to think ahead to the kind of education, skills and support learners need now and in the future. 

We need to listen carefully to learners, parents, teachers, school staff and everyone who has an interest in the future of education. 

The Scottish Government is looking for both group and individual responses and parents/carers have the opportunity to respond in their own way. 

The National Discussion closes on December 5.

How do parents/carers get involved?
• You can click here where you will find further information and find out the ways you can get involved.
• You can use the amended versions of the National Discussion questions, created in consultation with parents in Aberdeenshire, posted below .
• You can join facilitated sessions being offered in Aberdeenshire

Online facilitated discussions 

If you would prefer to discuss the questions in the National Discussion with other parents/carers the following sessions are on offer virtually.

To get either link please email

• Wednesday, November 16 at 4.30pm
• Thursday, November 17 at 7pm

Other online facilitated sessions will be offered if there is interest.

Face to face facilitated discussions

If you as a parent/carer would prefer to attend a face-to-face facilitated discussion, these will be arranged in the north, south and centre of Aberdeenshire if there is demand.

Please email to express interest.


1. What would you like education to look like in the future for children/ young people?
2. How do we ensure that children and young people in Scotland feel supported in their learning in and out of school in the future?
3. In your opinion what one thing needs to stay in the Education System and
4. What works in Scottish Education and what would you change with the resources available?
5. What are the key steps we need to take to achieve the best education in Scotland?

Additional questions:

1. How can high quality educational experiences, teaching, and learning be best supported for children and young people in Scotland?
2. How can every child's and young person’s individual needs be supported and addressed in the future
3. How can children's and young people’s mental, emotional, social, and physical wellbeing and safety be cared for and supported in the future?
4. How can the right of every child and young person to have opportunities to develop their full potential be achieved in future?
5. How can children and young people be helped to learn about our changing world, so they feel able to positively contribute?


• Use these questions to provide feedback and email it to,.
• Alternatively you can share a group response via the following link:

• Or, complete your own personal response via the following link:

If none of these options fit your needs, you can instead choose to email a summary to:

Post on social media using the hashtag #TalkScottishEducation (via Instagram or Twitter).

Please remember to include a rough description of who was in your group and how many people took part.