
07 October 2022

Aberdeenshire Trading Standards to roll out week-long consumer protection campaign

Aberdeenshire Trading Standards will undertake a week-long consumer protection campaign starting on Monday (October 10).

The initiative will centre around the current cost of living crisis and the potential for consumer detriment and will focus on a range of issues and cover the breadth of work undertaken by Trading Standards.

Officers will be operating throughout Aberdeenshire undertaking a range of activities including petrol forecourt checks, price checking, product weighing, volume checks and investigating misleading descriptions and packaging.

In support of the cost of living campaign, officers have developed a range of advice for consumers and will provided business with helpful measures which will in turn help support Trading Standards in protecting consumers.

Protective Service Manager Gordon Buchanan says: “The cost of living crisis places significant financial pressure on both consumers and businesses and it is vital that we ensure that consumers are protected and that price increases are transparent. It is inevitable that scammers will use the opportunity to promise quick financial gains and access to non-existent government grants, particularly for heating costs.”

If you are aware of any scams or feel you are the victim of a scam or fraudulent act then contact Trading Standards on 01467 537222.