
News articles for 2022

News Articles List

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Collection of dead seabirds must be handled by council

Efforts to remove larger numbers of dead seabirds suspected of having Avian Influenza have continued apace this week, with around several hundred collected from our shorelines in recent days.

12 July 2022

Aberdeenshire Council seeks views around new Shared Prosperity Fund

An online consultation has been launched seeking views from a wide range of stakeholders on how best to target Aberdeenshire's allocation from the UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund.

11 July 2022

Challenging time as Avian Influenza clean-up continues

It has been a very challenging week for our Landscape Services staff who have been undertaking the removal of dead seabirds from the many shorelines around Aberdeenshire.

08 July 2022

The 'cycling lady' making real inroads towards cycling safety in Aberdeenshire schools

This August, June Andrew will celebrate 30 years of raising road safety awareness across the North-east of Scotland.

07 July 2022

Suspected new cases of Avian Influenza in Aberdeenshire

While we appreciate that the summer holidays have just begun and thoughts will turn to heading for our fantastic beaches, we must advise of a number of suspected new cases of Avian Influenza which have sadly claimed a significant number of seabirds in recent days.

04 July 2022

Viewmount office to open to the public with launch of customer service point

Customers will be able to access support from Aberdeenshire Council's Viewmount office in Stonehaven from Monday (Jul 4), following the establishment of a customer service point.

01 July 2022

Cycle Aberdeenshire to bring the Tour of Britain experience to Aberdeenshire communities

With nine weeks until some of the world's top cyclists descend upon the North East of Scotland to compete in the Tour of Britain 2022, Aberdeenshire Council and Live Life Aberdeenshire have today launched 'Cycle Aberdeenshire' a two-week programme of events that will provide local communities with a range of options and activities during the build-up to Stage 1 on Sunday 4th September 2022 from Aberdeen to Glenshee Ski Centre.

30 June 2022

CLD achieves Standards Mark for Professional Learning

Aberdeenshire Council's Community Learning and Development Team (CLD) has successfully achieved its Standards Mark for Professional Learning from The CLD Standards Council for Scotland.

27 June 2022

Almost £50million made available to support families and individuals across Aberdeenshire

Just under £50million has been made available to support families and individuals facing financial difficulties across Aberdeenshire over the past year.

24 June 2022

We Are INverurie Business Improvement District re-elected to serve for a consecutive five-year term

The We Are INverurie business improvement district has been re-elected to serve for a consecutive five-year term.

24 June 2022