
17 January 2023

World Champion cyclist Neah Evans joins Cycle Aberdeenshire as Ambassador for Women's and Girls' Cycling

Cycle Aberdeenshire, as Live Life Aberdeenshire’s umbrella brand for cycling within Aberdeenshire Council, are delighted to announce that World Track Cycling Champion, and Olympic and Commonwealth medallist, Neah Evans has become their 2023 Ambassador for Women’s and Girls Cycling.

As part of the build up to the 2023 UCI World Cycling Championships in Glasgow and across Scotland in August 2023 and after two successful visits of the AJ Bell Tour of Britain to Aberdeenshire, Neah will be providing regular updates as she prepares to defend her world title in Glasgow and encouraging women and girls across Aberdeenshire to take advantage of the wide array of cycling options that are available year round.

During the coming months we will see stories and updates from Neah as she goes through the intense preparations for not only Glasgow but as part of the longer term build up to the Paris Olympics in 2024 and schedules permitting it is also hoped that some local visits will take place at schools and facilities, to allow Neah to see some of the existing programmes designed to involve women and girls in cycling.

Speaking ahead of the announcement Neah said “As we head into a huge year for cycling in Scotland, I am delighted to be joining Cycle Aberdeenshire as their Women’s and Girls Ambassador. Across Scotland we have seen amazing growth in women and girls of all ages taking up cycling, both for participation and competitively, across all types of cycling from road and gravel to mountain biking and touring, and most recently on virtual platforms. I hope we can see that growth continue in Aberdeenshire and I am looking forward to helping Cycle Aberdeenshire and their local and national partners drive that growth upwards.”

Councillor Anne Stirling, Chair of the Communities Committee, said she was exceptionally pleased that Neah had agreed to take on such a significant role saying “It is fantastic to see Neah, as a World Champion and as one of our Aberdeenshire residents, taking the time to highlight the importance of health and wellbeing to women and girls across Aberdeenshire. Whilst Neah will use her cycling experiences to help us deliver that message, she also brings the key messages around resilience and commitment along with the fun and enjoyment that cycling, whether across our beautiful landscapes, travelling to swimming lessons or school, or within one of our indoor cycling classes, can bring.