
16 July 2024

UN Convention on Child Rights comes into force

Today (Tuesday, July 16), the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) comes into force.

The UNCRC bill was unanimously passed in Scottish Parliament on December 7 and received royal assent on January 16.

Incorporation of the UNCRC is now law - that means it puts children’s rights into the heart of everything Aberdeenshire Council does – not just those working in education and children's services, because the work we do across all our services will impact on children, even if not directly.

Aberdeenshire Council Chief Executive Jim Savege said: “We have been underpinning children’s rights in all that we do through Getting It Right For Every Child, which the UNCRC formed the basis. 

“We are paying particular attention to how we continue to improve opportunities for children and young people to claim their rights in Aberdeenshire. 

“We are committed to continue to strengthen this engagement by involving children and young people meaningfully in our service delivery, ensuring that our children and young people can see and experience the difference being made in their lives and communities.

“We will do that by continuing to promote rights awareness and rights respecting practice, ensuring that children’s rights are considered and evidenced in all things that impact on them.”

The UNCRC is split into different articles, setting out the different rights children have – such as:
• Children should not be discriminated against. 
• Children have a right to life. 
• Children have a right to education. 
• Children have a right to play. 
• Children can have a say in matters that affect them and their views should be taken into account. 
• The decisions made about children should be in their best interests

You can find out more by clicking here.

There are also more resources available here.