
27 June 2024

School crossing patrollers petition noted

A petition requesting that Aberdeenshire Council reinstate School Crossing Patrollers was considered by full council today (Thursday 27 June 2024).

Following consideration councillors agreed to note the petition.

As part of the budget setting process for 2024/25 it was agreed to end the provision of school crossing patrols as it is not a statutory service at a time when the council’s statutory services are struggling for adequate funding.

Cllr David Keating, Chair of the Education & Children’s Services Committee, said: “Local authority budgets are under ever-increasing pressure so we have to carefully consider how to invest our money in those services where we achieve the greatest benefit for the majority of our residents. We understand that, for those schools that have school crossing patrollers in place, how much they are valued.

“But we must also balance what’s right for all our children and young people. Parents at the majority of schools manage without school crossing patrols and we work with schools and parents to consider the safety of children as they travel to and from school.”

Cllr Anne Simpson, Vice-Chair of Education and Children’s Services Committee, added: “School crossing patrol provision is a non-statutory service and it remains the responsibility of parents and carers to ensure the safety of their child or children on their journey to and from school.

“Aberdeenshire Council will continue its road safety educational programmes in schools and assist community-led solutions across all our schools.”

The Opposition Group had called for a further report to be presented to the next meeting of full council to allow further consideration of the matter. This was not agreed.