Council and Police team up to tackle pavement parking
Aberdeenshire Council and Police Scotland are teaming up to clamp down on illegal pavement parking in some areas around schools across the north-east.
As motorists will be aware, Aberdeenshire Council introduced a ban on pavement parking in December last year.
It followed the introduction of new Scottish Government which prohibits pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs.
Drivers can be issued with fines of £100 if found to be breaking the law – reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days.
The ban was introduced to create safer and more accessible spaces for pavement users as pavement parking can force people onto roads and increases the risk of accidents.
Pavement parking can force people to take unnecessary risks, such as:
• People using wheelchairs without access to dropped kerbs can fall over or be forced onto the road, risking their safety
• Families with children and buggies can be forced onto the road, increasing their risk of getting hurt

Certain exemptions have been designated by councils - for example to ensure safe access for emergency vehicles – and those in Aberdeenshire can be viewed here
Since the introduction of the ban, however, Aberdeenshire Council still receives a number of complaints in relation to vehicles parking on pavements within its communities. To-date the council has issued more than 660 warnings as part of its drive to educate motorists around the new legislation.
Officers are currently working in partnership with Police Scotland to address this issue and, over the coming weeks, teams will be out at locations across the region where pavement parking has been reported as a problem.
Philip McKay, Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services, explained: “Many people face daily difficulties with pavement parking which can be dangerous and frustrating. Unfettered access along a footway is important for us all, but especially so for those with additional mobility needs, should that be due to physical difficulties or the need to navigate with a pram or wheelchair.
“Pavement parking can have harmful consequences to people who use our footways and our teams along with Police Scotland will be targeting those particular areas around schools where repeated offences are being committed.
"I would encourage all motorists to make themselves aware of this new legislation and familiarise themselves with any local exemptions to avoid the risk of being fined.”
Sergeant Joanne Cruickshank of Ellon Police Station said: “These new parking prohibitions will help deter irresponsible parking around schools and ensure pavements are fully accessible for everyone.
"We are working closely with Aberdeenshire Council to tackle the issues raised by residents and will provide support to their Enforcement Officers as these new penalties are introduced. Police Scotland will continue to act on any instances of obstruction, pavement driving and other dangerous road activity to ensure the safety of those in the community.”
Additional details around the pavement parking ban and other national campaigns are available at