
04 September 2024

Confirmation of three Aberdeenshire councillors standing down

We have received confirmation that three Aberdeenshire councillors are standing down.

Council Chief Executive Jim Savege confirmed: “I have received formal notification that Cllrs Seamus Logan (Fraserburgh and District), David Mair (Central Buchan) and Kevin Stelfox (Mearns) are all standing down. The resignation of Cllrs Logan and Stelfox is with immediate effect, and Cllr Mair will stand down on 18 September.

"A report will come to the next Full Council meeting, due to be held on 26 September, where any implications of these vacancies on the Council's governance and decision making will be set out. 

"Alongside this, we are working on arrangements for the relevant by-elections, and once finalised, a Notice of Poll will appear on the Council website, setting out when and where the by-elections will take place.

"I would like to extend my thanks to them for their time as elected members and wish them all the best with the next steps.”

Constituents seeking support from their councillor should approach one of the other members representing their area, as each works on a multi-member ward basis.

The notice of election will appear on this page when it is published.