
04 September 2024

Resilience Month launched to help people ‘get set this September’

Aberdeenshire Council is sharing simple tips and advice throughout September to help residents prepare for unexpected challenges as part of its first ‘Resilience Month.’

With tips as simple as checking where your stopcock is, to preparing an emergency kit for use in the event of power loss, the council’s aim is to help people consider how they might react during a household emergency or severe weather and prepare accordingly. 

A free ‘30 simple ways over 30 days’ checklist can be downloaded from the Aberdeenshire Council website and followed throughout the month, or at any time throughout the year. 

And over the course of September, Resilience Month activities will focus on four key themes:

•    Personal resilience
•    Vulnerable people
•    Warnings and Flooding
•    Winter 

Communities Committee chair Cllr Anne Stirling said: “Aberdeenshire Council, along with the emergency services and a wide range of partner organisations, is continually preparing for the potential challenges caused by severe weather and emergencies.

“During September, we’re asking residents to consider their own resilience and the simple steps that can be taken to allow them to respond quickly when a situation arises, building on the great work of community groups that already do so much locally.”

Committee vice-chair Cllr Sarah Brown added: “While some of the tips shared during Resilience Month will be familiar to many, we hope everybody takes away something new, whether that’s creating a quick list of contact numbers, or simply knowing where to find information during a crisis. 

“As well as considering their own households, we hope those making use of the advice and resources will also think about friends, relatives, and neighbours who may benefit from checking their own resilience.”

Information and downloads can be found at