Resilience Month week three: weather warnings and flooding

Over the course of September, Aberdeenshire Council is encouraging residents to consider how they might respond to a household emergency or severe weather incident. This week, we are focusing on the theme of ‘weather warnings and flooding.’
While Aberdeenshire is known for its natural beauty and is a haven for tourists in the warmer months, residents know that weather in the north-east can be tough at times.
When bad weather is forecast many of us will hear it mentioned on the radio or television news, but what other steps can we take to react quickly before or during severe weather?
The Met Office provides up to date information on weather warnings across the UK and provides details of the type, expected severity, and expected duration of bad weather. It is worth bookmarking the site on your computer, laptop, or smartphone and checking for updates during bad weather.
And when bad weather leads to localised power cuts, SSEN’s Power Track service provides live updates on planned and unplanned power outages, as well as showing when engineers are onsite to resole an issue. You can also report a power cut via the site, or by calling 105. It’s another good site to bookmark.
SSEN also has advice on what to do during a power cut, including steps to take when the power goes out, along with free downloadable resources.
When it comes to flooding, another excellent resource is SEPA’s Floodline service. As well as providing live updates on flood alerts, flood warnings, and severe flood warnings, the site allows visits to report flooding incidents, and provides guidance on checking your flood risk. You can sign up for flood alerts, and can call the Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
Looking to take steps to protect your property from flooding? Aberdeenshire Council has information about various flood protection products, such as flood gates and vent guards, that can be purchased at cost price.
It is worth noting down who to contact when flooding occurs, with details available on the Aberdeenshire Council website.
If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to preparing for flooding, the Scottish Flood Forum has excellent advice and resources to help you plan ahead. From preparing an emergency flood kit to protecting your property, you’ll also find video clips from Aberdeenshire residents who have been affected by flooding.
As we head towards the colder months, please consider taking time to explore the steps you could take to make dealing with bad weather, power loss, or flooding that little bit more manageable.
Information on these topics, and others, can be found at