
28 February 2025

Pre-determination hearing on proposed onshore transmission infrastructure for Caledonia offshore windfarm

A pre-determination hearing will be held in March to discuss a planning application for onshore transmission infrastructure for the Caledonia offshore windfarm.

The plans include the creation of an onshore landfall point, laying of underground cables, erection of two co-located substations and associated works to connect to the Transmission Grid from Boyndie Bay to New Deer.

The pre-determination hearing will take place at 6pm on Monday, March 17th in Formartine House, Union Street, Ellon and virtually via Teams.  

Such hearings are a formal process allowing those who have already submitted valid representations – as well as the applicant and consultees – to express their views to councillors before any decision is taken. 

These hearings are not public consultation events and, while no decision will be made on the application at the hearing, it will be minuted and all points raised will be placed before both the Formartine and Banff and Buchan area committees when they discuss it in due course.

A report containing local views will then be brought before Aberdeenshire Council’s Infrastructure Services Committee for a final decision.

Please note that only those who have made valid representations on this planning application and have already indicated to the Planning Service by the deadline that they wish to address the hearing will be able to speak directly to councillors.

For those who wish to view the session, you can do so in-person or by connecting online to the live stream via Live Stream for Pre-Determination Hearing on 17 March 2025 (APP/2024/1812) 

The pre-determination hearing relates to planning application APP/2024/1812 which you can read more about here:  

If you have any questions or queries, please contact Claire Young on 01467 538196 or email