
Join the outdoor access forum

Aberdeenshire local outdoor access forum logoIf you are interested in promoting responsible access to the countryside, the Aberdeenshire Local Outdoor Access Forum (ALOAF) currently has open vacancies for Representatives of the Aberdeenshire area.

The forum has a balanced representation from the following four sectors:

  • Access users
  • Agencies and/or organisations
  • Community
  • Land management

Forum representatives can serve for up to 3-years and may be considered for re-election thereafter.


The forum currently holds five virtual business meetings per year. The meetings are usually on Monday evenings. There is also attendance at local events, and there are occasional special meetings or site visits. View more information and minutes from previous meetings.

LOAF activity

Examples of the topics addressed by the forum include integration of access with other land management interests and with residential privacy, the operation of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, input into the Aberdeenshire Core Paths Plan development, promotion of responsible non-motorised access, and shared-use of paths by different modes of non-motorised travel.

Representative’s role

Candidates are expected to have an interest in outdoor access matters and a willingness to engage constructively with others in the work of the forum, which is directed towards provision of balanced advice and problem-solving by consensus. Candidates should also be willing to consider the interests of the broad community sector beyond their own chosen activity or favoured geographical area.

The post carries an obligation to foster two-way communication between the community and the forum.

Beyond this, no special skills or knowledge are required, but candidates should be aware that a significant time commitment is involved, for example, some tasks are undertaken between meetings. Representatives receive no remuneration for the position, but travel expenses are payable with effect from the first meeting attended after the selection meeting.

How to apply

Persons interested in applying for the vacancies should apply in writing or by email, including a brief statement (no more than 150 words) supporting their suitability for the position of Community Representative.
All applications will be acknowledged. Shortlisted applicants may be invited to make a brief verbal supporting statement. At the meeting, a final selection will be made, if necessary by means of a vote of existing ALOAF Representatives present. Attendance by shortlisted candidates is clearly desirable, but any shortlisted applicant unable to be present will be included in the selection process. Successful candidates will take on the Representative role with effect from the next routine forum meeting. 
Applications should be sent by e-mail to, or sent by post to: 

Bridget Freeman
Outdoor Access Officer Aberdeenshire North
Outdoor Access and Countryside Team
Aberdeenshire Council
Unit 7, Harlaw Way
Harlaw Industrial Estate
AB51 4SG