Public access register
View building warrant applications and notices
View building warrant applications and building warrant notices on the public register.
Building warrant applications
Information on:
- Building warrants (pending applications and granted building warrants)
- Completion certificates
- Certificates of design
- Certificates of construction
View building warrant applications
Building warrant notices
Information on formal notices:
- Continuing requirement contravention
- Building warrant contravention
- Defective buildings
- Dangerous buildings
Help using the public register
If you need help using the register, please read the building standards user guide (PDF 1.3MB). Please note this document was not produced by the council and may not be suitable or accessible for users of assistive technology.
For further help, please view our frequently asked question (PDF 100KB).
Access to documents
The public register provides basic information on building warrants and completion certificates and it may be possible to get copies of the relevant documents, although there may be some restrictions.
Find out how to request copies of building warrant documents.