
Building Standards charters and feedback

Find out more about Building Standards charters and feedback.

Building Standards customer charter

The customer charter sets out the customer service standards that you can expect when you interact with Building Standards. It also explains how to give feedback which helps to shape and improve our services as well as what to do if things go wrong and you wish to make a complaint.

Building Standards enforcement charter

The enforcement charter (PDF 275KB) sets out the procedure that Building Standards will follow if enforcement action is required.

Customer Service Excellence

The Building Standards team have worked hard to gain accreditation to the Customer Service Excellence (CSE) award. CSE places customer priorities at the heart of the service, by developing customer insight, understanding user experiences, and robustly measuring levels of satisfaction with the service. For more information refer to the Customer Service Excellence website.

Customer feedback

Your views are important to us, please take a moment to share your experience in the national customer satisfaction survey for building standards.

The Scottish Government conducts a national customer satisfaction survey on behalf of all Local Authority Building Standards services. View the Aberdeenshire national customer satisfaction survey report.

If you would like to make a compliment, comment or complaint please fill out our online form.

Improving our service from customer feedback

We analyse all questionnaires and discuss suggestions, feedback, and comments – your input is helping us to improve the services we provide to you. Thank you for helping us to directly improve the way we do things. Your suggestions have led to the following recent service improvements:

You said We did
Improve website navigation Review of our website and content is ongoing. Implemented a more visible step-by-step guide to the Building Standards process and home page
Online payment of fees Implemented an online payment of fees system for Building Warrants and associated documentation
Property searches Implemented an online form and information to conduct property searches
Implement a combined Agent Forum with Building Standards, Development Management and other services as requested Joined up working, improved information, communication, and customer feedback
Virtual Site Inspections Developed a Virtual Site Inspection protocol with online video to help visualise the process