Planning pre-application advice
If you need planning permission, the Planning team can give you advice, before you submit a formal application. We can guide and inform your development proposals.
The process and advice will be different, depending on the type of development you are proposing.
Householder developments
Householder development proposals cover external works or extensions, and include works such as fences, sheds or garages.
View advice for householder developments.
Local developments
Local development proposals include: building 1 to 49 houses or flats, converting non-residential buildings, small to medium business and industrial developments or small wind energy proposals (up to 20 megawatts).
View advice for local developments.
Major developments
Major development proposals include: building 50 or more homes, larger commercial or retail development, or certain waste, water, transport and energy related building works.
View advice for major developments.
Large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure developments
Proposals under this category will generally consist of large scale renewable and low carbon energy, and electricity grid infrastructure.
View advice for large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure developments.
FOI and EI requests
The pre-application advice service is an optional value-added service and any applications we receive are treated as confidential. They are not publicly available on the planning portal. However, we may be asked to provide information about pre-application advice inquiries, and copies of any correspondence or advice provided, under:
This information may only be withheld if its disclosure could:
- Prejudice commercial interests
- Inhibit the free and frank provision of advice or exchange of views during the planning process
- Prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs
If you would like it to stay confidential you should include written justification when requesting pre-application advice. This justification needs to include the reasons why, and for how long the information needs to be confidential. We will not respond at the time of your request but will take it into account when deciding whether to release information.
It is at our discretion whether information can be treated as exempt from disclosure and it should be recognised that the point of the legislation is to make information accessible unless there is a pressing reason not to. The passage of time may remove the need for exemption as information becomes less sensitive. Generally, notes and correspondence relating to pre-application discussion will not be treated as confidential once a planning application has been submitted and the case is in the public domain.