
Local Development Plan explained

Development plans

The planning system in Scotland is plan-led and all local authorities must have a Local Development Plans (LDP) for their area. LDP sit within a hierarchy of development plans and each plan must not contradict the plan above it. This page explains what the hierarchy is and where LDP sits within it. 

National Planning Framework 4

The whole of Scotland is covered by the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4). Then local planning authorities must prepare a Local Development Plan for their regional area that aligns with NPF4.

NPF4 is a long-term plan providing a template for how communities across Scotland will develop and grow. It sets out national spatial principles, priorities, and national developments for example large scale infrastructure. It also provides all the planning policies that will determine decisions for new development.

Local Development Plan

The Local Development Plan sets the framework for development management decisions on planning applications within the local authority area. It provides context by which the public interests are safeguarded in the development of land, for example climate change and biodiversity.

Under the updated guidelines, once every 10 years we will publish a new plan for Aberdeenshire, excluding the Cairngorms National Park:

A spatial strategy is a fundamental requirement for every LDP. The LDP's spatial strategy must align with the national long term plan, which is set out in the NPF4. It sets out a detailed statement of the council's policies and proposals that will guide the development and use of land for the next 10 years. It is a place based document that identifies:

  • Where development should take place to achieve longer term objectives
  • Where it shouldn't take place, for example to conserve natural built heritage or protect existing uses
  • How unforeseen opportunities for development can be identified and supported to deliver the plan objectives
  • Qualitative elements to improve health and wellbeing, sense of place, local character, distinctiveness and amenities

Local Place Plans

Local Place Plans were introduced in January 2023. They are community led plans that are supported under NPF4. Local Place Plans offer an alternative opportunity for communities to develop proposals for their local area. Once registered they are to be taken into account in the preparation of the Local Development Plan.