
Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme

On the 1st of August 2021, the Scottish Government introduced the Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme which funds a daily portion of milk (or infant formula for babies) and a portion of fruit or vegetables for every child aged 5 and under who accesses an early years childcare setting, such as a nursery or childminder.

The ambition is for as many eligible children as possible to be receiving milk (or alternative) and a healthy snack, and to be acquiring healthy eating habits for the future.

The eligible children are the ones attending regulated pre-school day care settings for 2 hours or more.

To be eligible for the scheme, settings must be registered with the Care Inspectorate. The scheme is available for both funded and unfunded early learning and childcare settings.

View further information about the scheme, on the Scottish Government website.

How to register

Eligible (regulated) pre-school day care settings, including childminders, wishing to participate in the scheme must register with the council to become a member.

The settings need to provide the following:

  • Care Inspectorate Service Number (CS Number)
  • The number of children who attend
  • The anticipated volume of provision (anticipated number of servings of milk and snack to be provided)
  • Additional information for audit purposes

Please note that settings will be asked to retain their proof of purchases which may be subject to occasional audit.

In Aberdeenshire the registration is open from Friday, 7th June to Friday, 5th July 2024. This is to allow ELC providers who only operate during the school year time to apply.

Register for the scheme

View Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme registration privacy notice (PDF 162KB).

After registration, the council's Early Learning and Childcare team will contact all settings to confirm final arrangements.

Contact us

For further information please email us at