
Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership Stakeholders

Aberdeenshire health and social care partnership logo

Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP) is legally required to involve key groups and people who can represent the views of those using adult health and social care services and their unpaid carers. These representatives are stakeholder members.

A stakeholder member is someone who is able to comment on and influence decision-making, but doesn’t have voting rights. They use their knowledge and experience to consider the impact of decisions on the individuals or groups they represent. They engage with, and gather the views of, others in their group. The groups these individuals represent are diverse and include:

  • Public
  • Carers
  • Staff
  • Third sector

The stakeholder members make sure the voice of the group they represent is heard and considered in all aspects of service planning and delivery in the AHSCP. To contact the Public, Carer or Third Sector representatives please email, include which representative you are contacting in the subject, such as 'for the attention of the Public representative'.

Membership of the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) includes nominated staff from the AHSCP and representatives from partner organisations. Membership needs to also include stakeholder members.

The SPG makes sure our adult health and social care services meet national standards and the priorities identified in our strategic plan are achieved.