
Financial help

This page has information about the financial support available to help with the cost of your care. This could be care and support services at home or in a care home.

Free personal and nursing care

Free personal and nursing care is available for all adults in Scotland who are assessed as needing these services. More information is available on the Scottish Government's website.

Non-residential charging policy

Our non-residential charging policy explains how we consider and calculate a person’s ability to contribute to their care and support services. You will never be asked to contribute more than you can afford.

The policy also explains what to do if you are in financial hardship or have additional expenditure due to having a disability.

You can ask for a benefits health check. This makes sure you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to. If there is a benefit you may be entitled to but aren't claiming, we will direct you to the correct organisation who can help you apply.

Moving into a care home

If you move into a care home, temporarily or permanently, you may be expected to contribute to the cost of your care from your income or capital. Our guide to contributing towards residential or nursing care home fees explains the financial process if you need to go into a care home.