
Technology enabled health and social care services

Community Alarm and Telecare Service

Our community alarm and telecare service is called Aberdeenshire LifelineCommunity alarms and telecare cover a range of devices that use modern technology to help keep you safe and independent in your own home.

Find out about the community alarm and telecare digital switchover.

Community alarms

The community alarm scheme allows you to call for help in an emergency at any time, day or night.

Close Up of a Community Alarm PendantA community alarm connects you to a trained operator who will get you help when you need it. You wear a button which, when pressed by you, sends a signal to our centre operators. Our trained operators will speak to you directly to ask what kind of help you need. They will arrange for help to arrive, when needed.


Telecare technology being used at home

Telecare provides a range of additional alarm systems that can alert you when something needs your attention, or alert others to help you when you need it.

The equipment is unobtrusive and is installed in your home by trained technicians, with minimal disruption. Examples of telecare alert systems are:

  • fall detector
  • smoke or fire detector
  • flood detector
  • gas detector
  • occupancy detector
  • door contacts (which can raise an alert when the door is opened)
  • pressure mats (which detect movement or lack of movement)

Telecare can offer a safer home environment and give you greater control over your lifestyle. Telecare can provide reassurance and access to immediate help, if needed.

Alternative technology options to telecare

You may wish to consider some other technology options which you can buy as an alternative to telecare which can help you stay safe at home.

Eligibility for Aberdeenshire Lifeline

You may be eligible for Aberdeenshire Lifeline if you need care to live independently at home, whatever your age, and if you have:

  • increasing frailty
  • dementia
  • a long term health condition
  • physical disability
  • sensory impairment
  • mental health problems
  • problems with substance misuse


You may need to contribute towards the cost of community alarms and telecare. Our non-residential charging policy explains how we consider and calculate your ability to contribute, and includes the community alarm and telecare charges.

Making a referral to Aberdeenshire Lifeline

You can make a referral using our online referral form if you think you, or someone you know, may benefit from our community alarm or telecare service.

The referral form captures information about the person who may need help in an emergency at any time, day or night. You need to complete the personal details and nominate three contacts including their home, work and mobile telephone numbers. These contacts should be (if possible) family, friends or neighbours who are happy to be contacted in an emergency to help you. The form also includes information such as your doctor's details and the type of equipment requested.

We don't provide automated pill dispensers, but you can search online for 'automated pill dispensers' for alternatives.

You must submit one form per person needing equipment, even if they are related and live in the same household.

Make a referral using our online form

Or you can:

  • call 03456 08 12 06
  • ask health care staff at your local GP practice to make a referral for you

Our Adult and Older People Services privacy notice (PDF 297KB) explains how we may use your information in providing the Aberdeenshire Lifeline service.

What happens next

Due to stock issues there might be delays in completing community alarm requests.

A member of staff will contact you to arrange installation of the equipment requested in the referral form.

On installing the equipment, you or the nominated person will be asked to sign our service level agreement. This explains what we are responsible for and what the person using Aberdeenshire Lifeline is responsible for. It also includes the weekly charge for community alarms and telecare equipment.

Contact us

For general enquiries email or phone 03456 08 12 06.

If you aren't happy with any part of the referral process please contact us. If you are still dissatisfied you can use our complaints procedure.