
Obtaining building warrant

Before you start building work

There are a number of things to take into consideration and do before you start your building work: 

Appointing a contractor 

You are responsible for making sure the work is carried out as per the approved plans. We recommend using reputable builders and trades persons, such as those registered with a respected trade or professional body. Make sure you forward a copy of the stamped, approved plans to your contractor if you obtained quotations prior to approval as these may have been updated when assessed by a Building Standards Surveyor.

Start of work notification

You are required to notify us 7 days prior to you starting building work. You can do this online using the ebuilding standards portal, in paper by completing Form J - Notice regarding start of work and sending it to our correspondence address or contact us by telephone or email.

Health and Safety considerations

Before doing or having building work carried out you will need to consider your Health and Safety responsibilities.

The law says you must conduct your business without putting members of the public at risk. You must follow good Health and Safety practices such as providing protective works where necessary to prevent danger.

You can get advice from a building professional if you are unsure of these responsibilities. You can also find out more from the Health and Safety executive website

Choosing an approved certifier of construction

Make sure you use an approved certifier of construction if you stated this in your building warrant application. This will also be noted in your Construction Compliance Notification Plan (CCNP). Their details are recorded on the certification register on the Scottish Government Building Standards Division website

Protected species

It is your responsibility to ensure protected species, such as bats and breeding birds, are not harmed during work you carry out. NatureScot provide details of the legislation and advice on bats and birds

In Aberdeenshire we are particularly concerned about protecting existing swift nesting sites. Swift Conservation provide advice and information on managing buildings with swift nests

The Bat Conservation Trust provide advice and information on bats in buildings