Ways to pay your trade waste invoice
Your options for how to pay are displayed on the back of your invoice. These include:
Direct Debit
Please phone 01467 535953 to request a Direct Debit Mandate. Please have your account number and invoice reference to hand before phoning.
Pay online
To pay online please make sure that you have your account number and invoice reference to hand.
Over the phone
Payment can be made by debit or credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by telephoning our Automated Telephone Payment (ATP) Service on 0300 4560634. Please have your account number and invoice reference to hand before phoning.
By bank transfer
If you would like to pay by a bank transfer the council's bank details are:
Branch: Clydesdale Bank, 1 Queens Cross, Aberdeen AB15 4NU
Sort code: 82-60-11
Bank account: 70002089
Bank account name: Aberdeenshire Council
Please quote your customer account Number and invoice reference on all payments.
Please email all BACS remittances to FIBankrec@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.
In person
We don't accept cheques nor cash at our service points.
If your invoice has a barcode, you can take it to a post office or PayPoint to make payment. You can pay there by card. Some post offices and PayPoints will also accept payment by other methods.
You can also pay at one of our service points. Please take your customer account number and invoice reference with you.